Stories Page B 3

The Best Medicine by Bob Stein
         Bob's return.
         Tale 20 of The Blind Pig Universe.

The Best Medicine by Doug Linger
             My character deals a bit of payback for a prank, and in the process gets a little of himself back as well.
             Raven Blackmane: AKA Everything's Wild, Epilogue. Doug finds out what happens when you pass out in the Blind Pig. Hoo boy...
             Tale 59 of The Blind Pig Universe.
 Prequel: Everything's Wild
 Species: Coyote  Wolf

The Betting Pool by Oren the Otter
             A mouse with a clipboard shows up and tells Oswald Jones that he needs to choose a new species... and that there's a betting pool on his decision.
      Keywords: Transformation  Fantasy
 Species: Ape   Otter  Cat   Dog

Big-Gulp Story Library by Sean
             A Collection of Vorarephile stories, about half of them Furry.
      Keywords: Vorarephile  Anthology

Bio-Illogical Warfare by Sandy S. Hemenway
                 Possibly the most bizarre Starfleet training cruise ever. Also up for longest extended joke on crewmen's names.
      Keywords: Star Fleet Battles   Military  NF   Humor
 Species: Ape   Ferret

Bioforge by Dave Savitsky
             This is a story I started working on a while ago. Stopped because I didn't like how it was beginning to go. I deleted most of if here (although I still have the whole WIP on my HD). Here's the Prologue and the first chapter. I've been thinking of picking this story back up. If you'd like to see more, let me know.

Birthday Wish by Wolphin
                 Be careful what you wish for.
      Keywords: Transformation
 Species: Crayfish

The Birth of A New Earth by Kelin - Adult
         The first furry story from Kelin. It's currently unfinished and needs quite a bit of work yet. I haven't wrote any on it for a good while, but hopefully I will find time to do so before too long.
        Watch Mikey as he goes from his boring life as a young human teenager to being the fox he always dreamed of being.
        Warning: I may go back and rewrite sections of this story before I continue it. Details will be noted here.
               Chapter 1
               Chapter 2
               Chapter 3
      Keywords: Transformation  M/M
 Species: Fox

Birth of a new pack by Rasputch - Adult
             Two wolves meet and get down to what comes naturally.
      Keywords: M/F
 Species: Wolf

The Birth of Destiny by Allen Kitchen - Adult
             An awakening story. A young woman comes to understand something special about herself in an unusual way.
      Keywords: Adventure  Violence
 Species: Ape   Tiger

Bitch by Gre7g Luterman - Adult
         Antonio should have taken the long way home last night. He never should have cut through Los Lobos territory, but now it's too late. Can he save a beautiful girl from marrying against her will? Can he save himself?
         "Bitch" is my first attempt at a thriller. It has some neat suspense and a very fun "what-if": "What if magic is the opposite of technology?" A free password is required to read the unabridged version, but you can surf an edited version without. Neither are appropriate for children.
            There are two versions of the unabridged version, a heterosexual edition and a homosexual edition.
            The M/M, Masturbation, Rape, and Anal Keywords apply only to the homosexual edition. The backup link for the unabriged versions requires no password.
               Bitch (unabridged het)
               Bitch (unabridged homo)
      Keywords: Teen  M/F   Gothic  M/M   Masturbation  Rape   Anal
 Species: Werewolf  Ape

The Bitch is Back by Razee - Adult M:
             The opening story of the Paladin series.
            A typical few days in the lives of the crew of the Paladin.
            Actually, the last story chronologically speaking.
             Tale 5 of Strange Paladin Tails.
      Keywords: M/M  Anal   BD  SF
 Species: Cheetah  Ape

Bittersweet Symphony by Feech
                Tale 85 of The Blind Pig Universe.

Blah, Blah, Blah by Rebecca A. Rudeen
            Modern art lovers are abound in this story that you have to read to believe!
            Story 5 of the Pooch Patrol.

Blew Knight by Bill Hart - Adult
                A witch takes revenge by inserting a bully into a bar joke.
      Keywords: Transformation   NC   Fantasy   Humor
 Species: Ape   Rabbit

Blind by Dan Perry
            This one came to me when I started thinking about how blind people "look" at things by feeling with their hands. The idea of someone's hands gently roving over my face set me dreaming, and this is the story that resulted from that fantasy.

The Blind Pig by Mark Van Sciver, Anony Mouse
         "You are the genetic sum of all life that has proceeded you. Not just human life, but life itself."
Dr. Bryan Derksen as told to the bar
            A shared World Anthology dealing with a world of humans, furries, various shapechangers and even weirder beings.
        The Tales:
            Tails from the Blind Pig
            Lady's Night
            Standard Bar Fare
            Splendor's Story
            Splendor's Story - Afterword
            Donnie's ground rules
            The man who knew himself
            To Know Another ...
            A song of hand music
            The Buck Stops Here
            Wanderer's Ways
            Wanderer's Story
            Wanderer's Story - Afterword
            Remember When
            Single Parent
            Days and Nights
            The Best Medicine
            O' Come All Ye ....
            Tis the Season
            Family Ties
            Good Mojo
            A Mugwump Wakes
            At Days End
            The Price That We Pay
            The Sweetheart Clip
            A View from the Fence
            Hard Times
            Quoth the Raven
            What Might Have Been
            A Wolf in the fold
            Empty Spaces
            Entrances & Exits
            One last Night
            When on Earth
            A Fair Start
            Off His Noggin'
            Green as Grass
            Butch And The Blade
            Night Knights
            Everything's Wild
            The School
            The Long Night's Journey Into Morning
            Death Wish
            A Simple Wager
            Dog Star
            The Country of the Blind
            The Frog Prince
            Go Unto Pharaoh
            Angel of Mercy
            Best Friends
            The Best Medicine
            Ravage's Story
            Midnight, With Stars
            Hate Springs Eternal
            Memories of Chalkdust
            Artist's Depiction of A Sparrow
            Montreal Winters
            Shadow's Box
            Gabriel Descending
            Sex and the Modern Snake
            Sound of Mind
            Death is Real
            Stone Rose
            Snakes and Ladders
            On the Nile
            An Evening Wherein Kent and Gabe Do Not End Up Going Out
            The Rat in Abstract
            Natural History
            From The Babe's Mouth
            Four Scenes from a Semi-Detached House
            Cold Rains of the Heart
            Ways and Means
            This is a Box
            The Thimble
            Bittersweet Symphony
            The Pride of Lions
            Home Away From Home
            A Miracle of Degree
            The Promised Land
            Piano Man
            The Garden
            Color Wheel
            Sick and Sin
            All Things Change
            A Writer
            Great Divide
            A Time Machine
            Backstage at the Passion
            Wild and Crazy
            The Otter's Wish
            The Outsider
            Gnade Street
            Ranger Rick
            More Human Than Human
            A Quiet Night
            The Gift of the Woods
            Cat Fancy
            A Worthwhile Pursuit
            Against all Odds
            The Duel
            A Right Turn
            The Stranger
            Blue Summer Sky
            Family Man
            Tara's Story
            Trying to make his way home
            Under Cloud and Under Sky
      Keywords: Transformation   Anthology

Blizzard by Foxcar - Adult
            Skip Ruddertail: A fox morph slave dealer is faced with the ethical decision of a lifetime.
      Keywords: M/M   Transformation
 Species: Fox   Ape

Blood and Thunder by Brian Eirik Coe
            The sequel to "Just Because You're Paranoid", taking place about one year after the end of the original story.
 Prequel: Just Because You're Paranoid
