Stories Page R 5

Roots by Changer
            Thanks to a lost magic potion, a hiker gets closer to nature than he intended.
      Keywords: Transformation   NC   Fantasy   Humor
 Species: Ape   Plant

A Rose in the Dark by Alura - Adult
         Teaser warning! *grin* This is the first page or two of a story I'm working on at the moment. It'll be done soon, prolly in the next week or so. A Rose in the Dark is a romantic'ish vampire story, mostly revolving around seduction as vampire stories are wont to do ;) It will definitely contain m/f sex and a faint overcast of n/c stuff. But, I haven't gotten to the end so don't know just how far it's going to go yet. 0:) Guess I'll just have to finish it and find out. >;)
                Part 1 : The Rose   
                Part 2 : The Visitor
                Part 3 : The Corset
                Part 4 : The Masquerade
                Part 5 : Vampire
                Part 6 : A Decision
      Keywords: Romance   Gothic   M/F   NC
 Species: Vampire

Roughing the Runt by Rogue, Bennie - Adult
             Lilpaw discovers magic that will keep him from being the runt anymore.
      Keywords: Macro   M/M   Violence   Snuff   Vorarephile

Routine Flight by Jason Lehrer
         I really hate planes.
                 Part 1
                 Part 2
             Story 16 of the I.D.I.C Multi-verse.
      Keywords: SF   Violence
 Species: Golden Eagle   Fox

RoverX by Kirk Adams
         The new Rover was sleek and powerful, yet he also possessed a keen intellect, great passion, and sensitivity. This is the story of one Rover's journey through madness and despair to regain what had been taken from him - his true self.
        Along the way, he discovers the meaning of his existence, and in doing so, touches the hand of God.
      Keywords: Road Rovers

Royalton by Dan Perry
         It's set in a world where humans don't exist, and the animals... they speak... into this world a woman is dropped. She finds a king (a lion) and he tells her a little about the world.

The Runaway by KillJoy - Adult
      Keywords: Masturbation   Exhibitionism   F/F
 Species: Horse

Russu's Story by Christine Morgan
        Background info on the Russu character.
        This character background vignette belongs to The Third Rainbow.
 Sequel: Russu's Story: The Escape

Russu's Story: The Escape by Lindy Hensley
        More background info on the Russu character.
         This character background vignette belongs to The Third Rainbow.
 Prequel: Russu's Story

Ryon by Rogue - Adult
         A story involving a young male character on the brink of sexual discovery. This character is a giant, and there is a lot of blood and gore and carnage and other good stuff like that, along with some equally graphic sexual situations.
        If you don't like what you read, don't read it.
                     Part 1
                        A young lion discovers some neat toys (mm)
                     Part 2
                        A young lion continues his search to learn about himself (mm)

Images:         Illustration that goes very well with Ryon, even though it's actually not Ryon himself.
      Keywords: Macro   Violence   Graphics   Vorarephile   Snuff
 Species: Lion
