Stories Page S 3

Sedgewood by Jack deMule
             Lessons at the Sedgewood Riding School.
      Keywords: Transformation  NC   Fantasy
 Species: Ape   Horse

Seeds of Deception by Jason Lehrer
               Part 1
               Part 2
             Story 32 of the I.D.I.C Multi-verse.
      Keywords: Mystery
 Species: Golden Eagle  Wolf

Self-Help by Laura Seabrook
             Lycanthropes Anonymous ??

Send Lawyers, Guns and Money by Will A. Sanborn
         A reckless young coyote playboy gets himself in trouble once again, and waits for his father to bail him out of his current mess. This story owes its inpsiration to the song by Warren Zevon of the same name.
      Keywords: SF
 Species: Coyote

Settling in for the Night by Charles Matthias
      Keywords: Transformation

Sex and the Modern Snake by Feech
             Learning to live with a changed lover.
             Tale 70 of The Blind Pig Universe.
      Keywords: Transformation  Slice of Life
 Species: Ape   Snake

Shading's SICK! by Osidermon
             A Squarglings story.
      Keywords: Humor
 Species: Dragon

Shading's Speech by Teal
         A Squarglings story.
 Species: Dragon

Shadow's Box by Feech
             Shadow tries to go on with his life after his transformation.
             Tale 68 of The Blind Pig Universe.
      Keywords: Slice of Life
 Species: Butterfly

Shawn by Skye Bluedeer
            What has happened? A character by the name of Shawn discovers himself in what might be Heaven. But is Heaven what he expected it to be? Maybe, maybe not, but this is the author's view of what the afterlife might be like.. it's all tied into the whole story, believe it or not.

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing by The ANTIcarrot - Adult
            This is my current long term project.I can't tell you much with out giving away to much. It is, (or rather it will be when finished), a novel which charts the beginning of a relationship (is that obscure enough?) between two parallel worlds. But I haven't got that far yet. Reading the first chapter will help.
                        Verbal Movie Trailer
                        Chapter 1 : Holding a tiger by the tail . . .
                                (From the tiger's point of view.)
                        Chapter 2 : . . . and letting go
                                    This is, I'm sorry to say, the worst part. I plead watching one too many episodes of ALF. But it does get better!
                        Chapter 3 : Out of the frying pan . . .  
                        Chapter 4 : Curioser and curioser
                        Chapter 5 : The morning after the night before
                        Chapter 6 : Welcome to Camp Triconda
                                    A 'Sheep in Wolf's Clothing' Story fragment
                                    After a long time spent wrestling with the plot, I have decided that 'Feelings' will not and never can be a part of 'Sheep In Wolf's Clothing'. However I shall leave it here for anyone interested in a little low grade smut. For those of you interested in high grade smut, be aware that I am now working on mark II. ;-)
      Keywords: SF   Romance   M/F
 Species: Wolf   Ape

She Knew That The Hand Was Upon Her by Daniel J. Drazen
         Sonic fans have definite opinions about crossover stories (where Sonic et al. find themselves in situations and interacting with characters from another video game, film, or TV series): they either love the idea or hate the idea. I was a little shy about the concept myself until Ken Penders announced Sally's impending death in "Endgame" whereupon I found myself thinking: "A fall from a building--that's not how Sally deserves to die!" So I came up with acrossover story that contains elements of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" to depict how Sally SHOULD have died. It also allows me to peer into the future of Mobius a little bit.

The Shifter by Multibreast - Adult
            A mysterious man uses deception and a strange transformation power to create his own society of transformed beings.
 Species: Mermaid   Satyr

Shifting Tides by Jason Lehrer
                    Part 1
                    Part 2
                    Part 3
                 Story 35 of the I.D.I.C Multi-verse.
      Keywords: Violence
 Species: Golden Eagle   Fox   Lion

Shimrod by David Ihnen - Adult
            Part 1
            Part 2
      Keywords: M/M   Teen   Incest
 Species: Dog

Shoggoths and Swashbucklers by Simon Leo Barber, Andrew Nellis - Adult
         The following 2 stories are part of an ongoing (if slow) collaboration on the alt.sex.cthulhu newsgroup. The story which sparked it off, "Cthulhu Cheerleader Massacre" by one Darcthyus, is NOT one I personally wanted to keep on my hard discs, it was giving Elder Monstrosities a bad name. In my own opinion.
Miavir: And of course, Elder Monstrosities need all the good press they can get. <smirk>. An unfinished collaboration.
             Tales of Toho Academy
      Keywords: Adventure   Gothic   Horror
 Species: Demon
