Stories Page S 9

Strangers In The Night by Direwolf - Adult
             Two teenage werewolves meet by chance in a forest. Perhaps the beginning of a longer storyline. ;)
      Keywords: Teen  M/F   Transformation  Romance
 Species: Werewolf

A Strange Tail of Love and Deceit by T. A. Jones - Adult
         This Story was inspired by the art of TOR. Visit his site and look at The Pet 1-4, Mars, and A Quiet Moment for depiction's of some of the characters.
Images:     The above mentioned pictures (warning, all are for adults only):
                       The Pet 1
                       The Pet 2
                       The Pet 3
                       The Pet 4
                       A Quiet Moment
      Keywords: M/F

A Strange Treat by GrayLocke - Adult
      Keywords: M/M

Strayers by Steven Today
             What are "Strayers?" It's the title to my idea for a Road Rover spin off series. But don't take my word for it, listen to the explanation from Bear, the star of "Strayers": "The highway. Unforgiving. Endless. Forgotten. We have a lot in common. I am now a Strayer. Deputized by the United States government to uphold the law and bring those dark elements to justice. By any means necessary. I work in conjunction with the "Road Rovers" and roam the highways of America. But I am not alone. There are other "Strayers" out here. Some are Cano-Sapiens. Some are just humans with bad attitudes. But I have an edge on all of them. I'm both." - From "You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks But You Can't Make Him Perform". The series focuses on the adventures of Bear and his Strayer unit, the Grizzlies, as they travel across America fighting for justice. It is a lot like "Road Rovers" (or it wouldn't be a spin off series), but a bit more darker and gritty.
      Keywords: Road Rovers   Script
 Species: Dog   Wolf  Cat

Street Justice by Skunkaholic - Adult
             An attack on the wrong people brings a massive change to a young woman's life. No sex, but there will be in later installments. Actualy written after part 2.
             Part 1 of Strikeline.
      Keywords: M/M
 Species: Mouse   Polar Bear   Tiger   Dolphin  Ape

Strike Angel by Simon Leo Barber
            Things have gone downhill for Strike Angel Azamael, once the proud deliverer of 'divine intervention' and other destruction, now bored and waiting for orders to do his job. But maybe things can be changed ...?
            A parody on Christian religion, if such offends you, do not read. You have been warned.
      Keywords: Fantasy  Parody
 Species: Angel

Strikeline by Skunkaholic
             The Strikeline Tales:
               Street Justice
                Love Toy
                Sole Survivor
                Pool Party

Striped for the party by KillJoy - Adult
            Prequel: Stink Cadillac
            Sequel: Country Polecat
      Keywords: M/F  IIMYI   Orgy  NC
 Species: Skunk   Tiger

The Striped Quill by James Christopher Goodwin - Adult
      Keywords: Teen  Masturbation   M/M

Strip Tease by Cinnamon DeWolf - Adult
             Just what the title says.
      Keywords: Exhibitionism
 Species: Wolf   Fox

Struggles between head and heart by jonwI - Adult
         This one's inspired by an old Humphrey Bogart movie... And my kids think just because its in black and white that it can't be a good movie...
         A story from Water Wings
 Prequel: Innovations
 Sequel: A Small Diversion

Study Session by Tony Greyfox - Adult
         Erik and Colin meet for the first time while researching common interests in the library.
 Sequel: Auction Night
      Keywords: M/M  Slice of Life   Romance  Anal   Oral
 Species: Skunk   Raccoon

The Submissive by Ben Goodridge - Adult
                 The island's Alpha, Geoffrey, intervenes in an abusive D/S relationship between Willard and Morris.
      Keywords: M/M  Anal   BD  Rape
 Species: Wolf

Subway Ride by Spectrum Fox
      Keywords: M/M   Exhibitionism

Sulishros and Kojadi by Leigh Husband Kimmel
             An earthquake hits a city where a dragon is enslaved.
      Keywords: Furry Freedom   Adventure
 Species: Dragon  Ape

Sunny Breaks by Terry Spafford
             This is a short story I wrote in response to a story by Raven Blackmane called 'Lightbringer'.
             One of the tales of Metamor Keep.
      Keywords: Fantasy

Support Group by Charles Matthias
         One of the tales of Metamor Keep.

Surprise Party by Gorfydyd Sionnach - Adult
            N is a business wolf...and it's his birthday. But everybody has forgoten...or have they?
                 Part 1
      Keywords: M/M   Orgy   Transformation
 Species: Ape   Wolf   Bear   Cat

Surprising Developments by Jason Lehrer
             Why didn't I see it before!?
             Story 28 of the I.D.I.C Multi-verse.
      Keywords: Mystery   Violence
 Species: Golden Eagle   Lion
